Donate to Project Advance

The money we raise through Project Advance is unique in that it allows us to partner with other parishes by supporting the priorities of our Archdiocese, while at the same time fund the needs of our own parish community. This year, $38,400 of our parish goal will be directed to the priorities of the Archdiocese and the remainder of the funds will help fund our Vestibule Expansion project.

Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Project Advance campaign. Please continue to support or give for the first time to our 2022 campaign. 

Here’s how:

  • Drop your donation off at the parish office.
  • Pick up a pledge from from the vestibule, fill it in and drop in the Sunday collection basket or bring to the parish office.
  • Donate online at Make sure to select PRECIOUS BLOOD as your parish.

Gather us, Lord. Thank you for supporting our Vestibule Expansion and Project Advance 2022. May God bless you graciously!